Sorry, you’ve probably reached this page because you were looking for Sexwise.org.uk but sadly Sexwise has now closed.
FPA Tried to Rescue Sexwise
At the Family Planning Association we made 2 offers to run Sexwise for free.
The Department of Health and Social Care rejected both our offers.
For details see Sexwise closing despite FPA rescue attempt!

We are really disappointed that Sexwise – a high quality free-to-access resource – has closed. For the government to remove free-to-access patient information for the general public beggars belief.
Update: 2 July 2024: DHSC rejects third FPA offer
The DHSC remains confused:
- On one hand the “UK Health Security Agency” (UKSHA) warn again and again about skyrocketing STI rates
- On the other hand the “Office for Health Improvement and Disparities” – UKSHA’s sister department – have rejected the latest* Family Planning Association offer to run Sexwise.org.uk for free.
The latest “carefully considered” rejection was on 9 May 2024… but it was just more head in the sand thinking despite soaring STI rates.
At the FPA – we remain big fans of the NHS – but if you gut NHS funding then you can’t pretend that the NHS will fill the void.
“Change” needs a positive direction
The odds are that Wes Streeting will shortly be the new Health Minister.
Either way – budgets will still be very tight.
If you liked Sexwise.org.uk – please do write to the new Health Minister and ask them to resurrect this important free-to-access resource.
Where to get free, helpful advice and guides on Contraception, Sexually Transmitted Diseases, Abortion and more:
- Free: call the National Sexual Health Helpline on 0300 123 7123
- Monday to Friday, 9am to 8pm
- Saturday and Sunday, 11am to 4pm
- Free info: NHS.net
Paid-for Patient Information for Medical Professionals and Teachers
We continue to offer paid-for patient information for professionals.
If the above free resources don’t provide the information you need, professionals can buy:
- FPA Medical Professional membership – access to new digital guides for you and your patients / pupils – for details see FPA Medical Professional.
- FPA Booklets – most booklets come in packs of 50 for £11.99.