Sexual Health Essentials

Sexual Health Essentials

  • 7 high quality, relevant, frank and fun secondary school lessons on sexual health
  • Clinically led online sexual health teaching resource created by You Before Two
  • Helps you teach difficult topics such as penile and vulval health, STIs, menstrual health, sexual consent and contraception
  • PSHE Association accredited
  • National curriculum compliant
  • Designed by doctors
  • Up-to-date and ready to teach

Sexual Health Essentials has two courses:

  • “Core Sexual Health Facts”: aimed at students in Year 9 upwards (age +13) and contains 5 lessons – see more on lesson content
  • “Contraception Choices”: aimed at students in Year 11 upwards (age +15) and contains 2 lessons – see more on lesson content

7 high quality, relevant, frank and fun secondary school lessons on sexual health.

Talking to teenagers about sexual health is not easy! Help is at hand.

Below are a few clips from “Core Sexual Health Facts” so you can hear how Dr Rebecca “Becky” Foljambe and Dr Naomi Sutton cover difficult topics like consent, the law, periods and vaginal health.

‘Core Sexual Health Facts’ designed for Year 9 upwards (age +13):

An affordable addition to your RSHE/PSHE programmes

Sexual Health Essentials” is an online resource and schools can access it via an annual membership.

Membership starts at £99/school making this an affordable addition for your RSHE and PSHE programmes – see membership details below.

Each lesson contains:

  • A teacher preparation area including:
    • the lesson plan
    • a list of any additional resources and downloads needed
    • keywords for the lesson
  • A short video by Dr Sutton and Dr Foljambe from You Before Two
  • Online teaching slides
  • An initial and end-point assessment

Most lessons contain further help such as extension activities and sources of support.

PLUS: Each membership comes with “Guidance on how to teach Sexual Health Essentials” which is designed to ensure teachers are fully equipped and confident in delivering the courses.

For more detail see Lesson plans outline here.

Tone of voice

The above video has a few clips from “Core Sexual Health Facts”.

The video below helps to show the tone of voice for how Dr Rebecca “Becky” Foljambe and Dr Naomi Sutton talk about contraception in the Contraception Choices course.

‘Contraception Choices’ designed for year 11 upwards (age +15):

Sexual Health Essentials: Membership

7 high quality, relevant, frank and fun secondary school lessons on sexual health.

Choose the plan you need depending upon the number of teachers (users) and the number of pupils in your school(s):

Membership Tier Users Number of Pupils RSE (1 Year)


2 up to 500 £99


4 501 - 1,000 £124


6 1,001 - 1,500 £149


10 1,500 - 2,000 £199


Customise your plan (multiple schools)

10+ 2,000+ Contact Us

Payable via:

  • Debit/Credit Card
  • PayPal
  • Invoice
  • Purchase Order

You'll get an email warning before your Membership expires - it’s quick and easy to renew online. If you do not renew, your Membership and access will expire.

Have a question? Speak to Customer Experience on 0207 608 5240 or email

About You Before Two

You Before Two was a UK charity founded by Dr Rebecca Foljambe.

It was created to encourage all young men and women to respect and protect themselves (the ‘you’), before considering entering into a serious relationship or having a baby (the ‘two’). Read more about You Before Two.

Family Planning Association (FPA) and continuing the You Before Two legacy

Although the You Before Two charity has now closed – the FPA is continuing You Before Two’s great work.

We are giving discounts on Sexual Health Essentials to schools that need more help.

When you buy a Sexual Health Essentials membership – we’ll ask “What percentage of children in your school get free school meals?

We will apply a discount to schools where a high proportion of students get free meals.


I think the films are perfectly pitched in duration, content & delivery. They will definitely be a useful tool with our young people.

Leona AshleyStudent Welfare Manager - Tuxford Academy

These films are the best I have seen in 23 years of teaching, it is vital we get something of this quality out to all the students we can. So many students come to us with so many misconceptions.

After lockdown so many will have missed vital PSHE coverage and will have even more misconceptions.

Kennedy Taylor-CammHead of English - Lincoln UTC