Contact Us

    Contact Us

    Sexual health and contraception information and advice

    Sexual Health Helpline: 0300 123 7123

    (Mon-Fri, 9am-8pm; Saturday and Sunday, 11am-4pm)

    The Sexual Health Helpline can help you with contraception advice.

    Phone orders

    We do not take payments over the phone but we can email you a secure payment link that you can click on and enter your debit/credit card details.

    1. Create a quote/invoice via the shop – see below
    2. Email and tell us you’d like to pay the quote/invoice with a card via a secure link
    3. We will then email you a secure link so can you can pay via card

    Also see payment methods, invoices, purchase orders and quotes.

    If you have any queries for the Family Planning Association, please contact our Customer Experience team:

    General Enquiries:

    Press, Media and Marketing:


    Phone FPA Head Office: 0207 608 5240


    Family Planning Association (FPA)

    35 Kingsway Industrial Park, Kingsway Park Close, Derby, DE22 3FP, United Kingdom