Complete list of lesson plans
RSE Module one
(Key stage 1)
- Introducing Yasmine and Tom*
- Friendships and feelings*
- Different families*
- My brilliant body
- Keeping clean and taking care of myself
- Naming body parts
- Keeping safe
RSE Module two
(Lower key stage 2)
- Introducing Yasmine and Tom
- Gender stereotypes and aspirations
- Me, myself and I
- What makes a good friend?
- Families and getting on with our families
- My personal and private body parts and keeping safe*
- Body care*
- Is it risky?*
- People who can help us on and offline
RSE Module three
(Upper key stage 2)
- Introducing Yasmine and Tom
- On and offline friendships
- Friendships and secrets
- Friendships and pressure
- Keeping safe – safe and unsafe touch
- Keeping safe – online images
- Changes at puberty
- Periods (menstruation)*
- Wet dreams and masturbation* (optional opt-out)
- Making babies – sexual intercourse* (optional opt-out)
- Making babies – assisted fertility and multiple births (optional opt-out)
- Making babies – pregnancy and birth (optional opt-out)
- Identity and prejudice
- Equality and the law
- Getting help
* Lessons available in the free trial.
Health Module one
(Key stage 1)
- Sleeping well
- Keeping clean
- Sun safety
- Healthy eating*
- Emotions – feeling angry*
- Keeping fit
Health Module two
(Lower key stage 2)
- Germs
- Sun safety
- Hidden sugar
- Oral hygiene – brushing your teeth*
- Feeling good
- Getting physical*
Health Module three
(Upper key stage 2)
- Sleep
- Germs
- Sun safety*
- Healthy eating
- Feeling good
- Isolation and loneliness*
- Physical fitness
- Dangers of smoking
- The effects of alcohol
- Legal and illegal drugs
- Asking for help
* Lessons available in the free trial.