Complete list of lesson plans in the updated resource

Complete list of lesson plans


RSE Module one

(Key stage 1)

  1. Introducing Yasmine and Tom*
  2. Friendships and feelings*
  3. Different families*
  4. My brilliant body
  5. Keeping clean and taking care of myself
  6. Naming body parts
  7. Keeping safe

RSE Module two

(Lower key stage 2)

  1. Introducing Yasmine and Tom
  2. Gender stereotypes and aspirations
  3. Me, myself and I
  4. What makes a good friend?
  5. Families and getting on with our families
  6. My personal and private body parts and keeping safe*
  7. Body care*
  8. Is it risky?*
  9. People who can help us on and offline

RSE Module three

(Upper key stage 2)

  1. Introducing Yasmine and Tom
  2. On and offline friendships
  3. Friendships and secrets
  4. Friendships and pressure
  5. Keeping safe – safe and unsafe touch
  6. Keeping safe – online images
  7. Changes at puberty
  8. Periods (menstruation)*
  9. Wet dreams and masturbation* (optional opt-out)
  10. Making babies – sexual intercourse* (optional opt-out)
  11. Making babies – assisted fertility and multiple births (optional opt-out)
  12. Making babies – pregnancy and birth (optional opt-out)
  13. Identity and prejudice
  14. Equality and the law
  15. Getting help

Lessons available in the free trial.


Health Module one

(Key stage 1)

  1. Sleeping well
  2. Keeping clean
  3. Sun safety
  4. Healthy eating*
  5. Emotions – feeling angry*
  6. Keeping fit

Health Module two

(Lower key stage 2)

  1. Germs
  2. Sun safety
  3. Hidden sugar
  4. Oral hygiene – brushing your teeth*
  5. Feeling good
  6. Getting physical*

Health Module three

(Upper key stage 2)

  1. Sleep
  2. Germs
  3. Sun safety*
  4. Healthy eating
  5. Feeling good
  6. Isolation and loneliness*
  7. Physical fitness
  8. Dangers of smoking
  9. The effects of alcohol
  10. Legal and illegal drugs
  11. Asking for help

Lessons available in the free trial.