Struggling to meet September’s deadline for Teaching RSE in primary schools?
Will the coronavirus and school closures have an impact on the introduction of statutory Relationships Education, RSE and Health Education from September?
The Department for Education recently issued an update via PSHE. In summary, the statutory requirement to provide these aspects of PSHE education is still in place from September, and schools should continue to prepare for this date where possible. However, due to the coronavirus and closures, schools who are not in a position to implement fully from September have been granted some leeway, and now have until Summer term 2021 to do so.
PSHE have campaigned long and hard for statutory status, so are delighted to still be on course for September but at the same time fully agree with the DfE that the option of delay in a minority of cases is sensible given the extremely unusual position schools find themselves in, and the pressures on them to adapt.
A fast and affordable solution to teaching RSE in Primary Schools
Growing up with Yasmine and Tom is written by teachers, for teachers and has received continual feedback for its development into a market-leading PSHE resource. Version 2 is completely in line with the PSHE Association principles for education of youngsters aged 5-11.
“Growing up with Yasmine and Tom is fully compliant with the guidance provided by Department for Education and provides a simple and affordable solution for RSE education in primary schools. The perfect solution for those who want to meet the standards in time for September – but are struggling due to the pandemic.”
Comments Natika H, Executive Director – FPA The Sexual Health Company.
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