Everything you need to know about our ‘best in class’ RSE literature.
Facilitating the education of children and young people on the topic of RSE is something we’re passionate about. The provision of accurate and engaging...
Facilitating the education of children and young people on the topic of RSE is something we’re passionate about. The provision of accurate and engaging...
Parents are calling on schools to teach the subjects that their children need to know in order to develop healthy relationships and stay safe...
Will the coronavirus and school closures have an impact on the introduction of statutory Relationships Education, RSE and Health Education from September? The Department for...
If the answer is 'no', which is the case for many primary schools UK wide, then we have an instant solution to your RSE...
Please note: The below information was true at time of publication. The PSHE Association no longer offer quality assurance for whole RSHE programmes. FPA is...
In March 2019[I], it was announced that Relationships Education would become statutory in Primary Schools from September 2020. Here at FPA, we've been supporting relationship...
This week the Department for Education published new guidance on Relationships Education, Relationships and Sex Education and Health Education. The guidance will become compulsory from...
Sex educator Justin Hancock told us why he thinks comprehensive relationship and sex education is key. Despite what you may have heard or may think,...